Chapter Activities
With nearly 70 members, the John Champion Chapter conducts educational programs that both entertain and enlighten our members. The Chapter holds meetings in October, January, March and May each year. In addition to chapter meetings, many members attend State and National Conferences annually. Examples of past chapter meetings include:
Honor FlightA recent meeting featured a program on Honor Flight, an organization that gives WWII veterans an opportunity to see the memorials in Washington DC. This organization also gives the rest of us a chance to pay tribute to these brave veterans.
Chapter Field TripsMarch meetings are usually field trips local museums and historical sites. Recent trips included a field trip to Richmond, Texas to visit the Fort Bend County Museum that features a history of the area including the founding of the Stephen F. Austin’s first colony in 1822. We also toured the "Painted Churches" of Texas near Schulenburg. These churches were built in the early 20th century by Czech and German immigrants and are elaborately decorated with hand stenciling, tracing, and marbling.
Colonial History
Luncheon speakers have included a presentation by Anthony M. Joseph, Ph.D., Professor of History at Houston Baptist University. An exceptional speaker, he brought the topic, “Family Life in the Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake,” to life and revealed the challenges our ancestors’ faced. Other topics have been vintage jewelry, American silver and Scottish Heritage.